티스토리 뷰







    AREX (공항철도)

    익스프레스: 인천공항에서 서울역까지 무정차로 약 40분 소요, 편도 요금은 9,500원
    모든 정류장 열차: 인천공항에서 서울역까지 정차하며 약 60분 소요, 편도 요금은 4,150~4,750원


    서울의 주요 지역으로 운행, 요금은 5,000-18,000원($3.67~$13.21), 총 운행 시간은 교통 상황에 따라 약 60-80분 소요


    일반 택시는 중형 세단으로, 기본요금은 3,000원이며, 인천공항에서 서울까지의 요금은 낮 동안 약 45,000원에서 65,000원입니다


    65세 이상 꿀팁


    서울에서 인천공항까지 지하철을 이용하는 만 65세 이상 어르신들은 무료로 이용할 수 있습니다. 지하철은 노인, 장애인, 국가유공자, 독립유공자, 그리고 5.18 민주유공자에게 적용되며, 신분을 증명할 경우 무임권이 발급됩니다. 


    인천공항 편의시설 

    인천공항에서 이용할 수 있는 전망대, 휴게소 및 무료 편의시설에 대한 정보는 다음과 같습니다:


    인천공항 전망대는 오성산에 자리하고 있습니다. 이 위치는 인천공항을 마주 보고 있는 곳으로, 해발 51.5m 높이에 위치해 있습니다. 전망대에서는 공항의 전경을 한눈에 조망할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 활주로를 통해 항공기가 이착륙하는 모습을 생생하게 관망할 수 있습니다. 또한, 전망대 주차장에서부터 인천공항 전망대까지 이어지는 산책로를 따라 걸으면 자연의 경관을 만끽하며 공항이라는 특별한 공간을 색다르게 즐길 수 있습니다. 


    전망대 운영시간은 10:00~17:30이며, 

    대중교통으로는 버스 306번을 이용하시면 됩니다.

     버스 정류장은 제1 여객터미널 3층 2번과 13번 정류장입니다


    무료 편의시설

    냅존/릴랙스 존: 휴식을 취할 수 있는 공간으로, 제1 여객터미널 면세지역 22번, 25번, 29번, 33번, 45번 게이트 부근에 위치해 있습니다.

    샤워실: 제1 여객터미널 4층 면세지역 25번, 29번 게이트 부근에 있습니다.


    인터넷 존: 제1 여객터미널 1층 일반지역 B, E 입국장 부근에 위치합니다.


    유료 편의시설:

    캡슐 호텔 ‘다락휴’: 편안한 숙박을 제공하는 곳으로, 제1 여객터미널 내에 있습니다.
    사우나/찜질방 ‘스파온에어’: 피로를 풀고 싶을 때 이용할 수 있는 시설입니다.



    제1 여터미널 식당가 


    지하 1층 (T1)

    CJ 푸드월드: 다양한 매장들이 모여 있는 푸드코트입니다.
    호호밀: 라면, 김밥, 떡볶이 등 분식 전문점입니다.
    가업식당: 추석 선물 세트와 간편식 밀키트를 판매하고 있습니다.

    지상 4층 (T1)

    서울: 다양한 메뉴를 제공하는 식당입니다.
    플레이보 6: 감성 낙곱새, 북촌 손만두, 모던 돈가스 등 다양한 매장들이 있습니다.

    3층 (T1)

    쉑쉑버거: 24시간 운영되는 버거 매장입니다.

    4층 동편 (T1)

    플레이보 6: 차이나팩토리익스프레스 소반, 경양식당, 방콕 9, 제일제면소 등 다양한 메뉴를 제공합니다.

    4층 서편 (T1)

    명가의 뜰, 포베이, 오므토토마토, 소문, 자연은 맛있다 등 다양한 식당들이 있습니다.


    제2 여객터미널


    지하 1층:

    한식미담길 푸드코트: 다양한 한식 메뉴를 제공하는 푸드코트입니다.
    별미분식: 분식 전문점으로, 라면, 김밥, 떡볶이 등을 판매합니다.


    쉑쉑버거: 24시간 운영되는 버거 매장입니다.

    4층 동편:

    메밀꽃필 무렵: 메밀요리 전문점입니다.
    동남집: 곰탕과 뚝배기가 유명한 식당입니다.

    4층 서편:

    명가의 뜰, 포베이, 오므토토마토, 소문, 자연은 맛있다 등 다양한 식당들이 있습니다.


    I will tell you about the transportation options and fares from Incheon International Airport to Seoul and from Seoul to Incheon International Airport.



    AREX (Airport Railroad)

    Express: It takes about 40 minutes without stopping from Incheon International Airport to Seoul Station, and the one-way fare is KRW 9,500
    All stop trains: It takes about 60 minutes from Incheon International Airport to Seoul Station; one-way fares range from KRW 4,150 to KRW 4,750

    Airport Bus:
    Operations to major areas of Seoul cost 5,000-18,000 won ($3.67 to $13.21), and total operation time takes about 60-80 minutes depending on traffic conditions

    Regular taxis are medium-sized sedans, with a base fare of 3,000 won, and the fare from Incheon Airport to Seoul is about 45,000 won to 65,000 won during the day 2.

    Tips for people over 65 years old


    From Seoul to Incheon International Airport, senior citizens aged 65 and older who use the subway can use it for free. The subway applies to the elderly, disabled, people of national merit, independence fighters, and 5.18 democratic merit, and free pass is issued if they prove their identity.



    Incheon International Airport Facilities

    Information on observatories, rest areas, and free amenities available at Incheon Airport is as follows:


    The Incheon International Airport Observatory is located on Mount Oseong. The location, facing Incheon International Airport, is 51.5 m above sea level. From the observatory, you can not only get a panoramic view of the airport at a glance, but also vividly watch aircraft take off and land through the runway. In addition, you can enjoy the unique space of the airport while walking along the trail from the observatory parking lot to the Incheon International Airport Observatory.

    The observation deck is open from 10:00 to 17:30,
    You can use bus number 306 for public transportation.
    The bus stops are bus stops 2 and 13 on the 3rd floor of the first passenger terminal

    Resting place

    Yeongjong Bridge Rest Area is equipped with various facilities such as food halls, convenience stores, and cafes, and is only available when driving toward Incheon International Airport


    free amenities

    Nap Zone/Relax Zone: A place where you can relax, located near gates 22, 25, 29, 33, and 45 of the first passenger terminal duty-free areas.

    Shower Room: It is located near gates 25 and 29 of duty-free areas on the 4th floor of Passenger Terminal 1.

    Internet Zone: Located near arrivals hall B and E in general areas on the first floor of Passenger Terminal 1.

    Paid amenities:


    Capsule Hotel 'Darrak Hue': A place for comfortable accommodation, located within Passenger Terminal 1.
    Sauna/steaming room 'spa-on air': This facility can be used when you want to relieve your fatigue.


    Resraurant street


    Restaurant street of Passenger Terminal 1

    B1F (T1)
    CJ Food World: It is a food court with various stores.
    Rye: It is a restaurant specializing in snack foods such as ramen, kimbap, and tteokbokki.
    Family business restaurant: We sell Chuseok gift sets and ready-made meal kits.
    4th Floor (T1)
    Seoul: It is a restaurant that offers a variety of menus.
    Playbo 6: There are various stores such as emotional Nak-gop-sae, Bukchon hand dumplings, and modern pork cutlet.
    3rd floor (T1)
    Shake Shack Burger: It's a 24-hour burger joint.
    4th Floor East Side (T1)
    Playbo 6: It offers a variety of menus, including China Factory Express soban, Gyeongyang Restaurant, Bangkok9, and Jeilmyeonso.
    4th Floor West (T1)
    There are various restaurants such as the garden of Myeongga, Four Bay, Omtomato, Rumor, and Nature Delicious.

    Restaurant street of Passenger Terminal 2

    Korean Food Midamgil Food Court: A food court that serves a variety of Korean menus.
    Delicious food: It is a snack bar that sells ramen, kimbap, tteokbokki, and more.
    3rd floor:
    Shake Shack Burger: It's a 24-hour burger joint.
    4th Floor East:
    Buckwheat Blossom Blooming: It is a buckwheat dish restaurant.
    Southeastern Restaurant: This restaurant is famous for its beef bone soup and earthen pot.
    Fourth floor west:
    There are various restaurants such as the garden of Myeongga, Four Bay, Omtomato, Rumor, and Nature Delicious.
